Causes of Decreased Libido in Women

Libido in women, what is it and how is it manifested? This issue worries many women. Sex is an integral part of the existence of every woman. Refusal of sex life can lead to disorders of both the somatic level and the mental one.


General information about female libido
What is female libido
How to increase libido in women: drugs and folk remedies

General information about female libido


A sexy woman always attracts the looks of men. Photos of modern beautiful women convey not only beauty, emotions, but also their particular sexual potential – female libido.

Full-fledged sexual relations, which include getting pleasure from intimacy, ecstasy, are companions of people’s happiness, they make life brighter and more diverse. Thus, real sex helps partners to relax, to express themselves, to maintain health. The relationship between a man and a woman develops not always smoothly under the influence of numerous factors. Their influence is reflected in the sexual activity of partners. Sex becomes less frequent, interest in it disappears, and may even disappear altogether from the relationship of partners.

Women’s libido helps the ability to seduce and excite. Every woman who has seduced a man at least once in her life knows what is it. For the first time, the term libido was used by the founder of psychoanalysis, Zygmund Freyd. The concept was considered in analogy with a physical quantity, but completely indestructible to any dimension. Libido is the potential for sexual activity. It characterizes libido and the production of energy for sexual activity. With all this, the libido is identified with the vital energy of a person. What is interesting to a person and what he gets pleasure from is what a libido or life energy is produced for. From the moment of birth, the libido is manifested in the act of breastfeeding the baby, the baby is saturated and receives pleasure from it.

At the age of two to three, pleasure manifests itself during urination and defecation. From the age of three to six, seven years old, the libido is transferred to the parents, the boys unconsciously jealous of the moms, and the girls have feelings for the fathers. From six to twelve years, this phenomenon disappears, and the vital energy is directed towards the assimilation of social roles.

Closer to the age of eighteen and until the end of life, the libido acquires in its meaning conscious sexual behavior. Zygmund Freyd drew an analogy between libido and hunger, so it was easier to explain the behavioral reactions of children to their parents. Later, among psychologists, it was suggested that the libido is manageable. An idea emerged that the libido can be replaced through regression and sublimation. Zygmund Freyd compared the libido with the life cycle, later, in his teaching, he summarized: libido is a kind of life instinct.

The concept of libido entered into scientific use, thanks to the work of Z. Freyd. Translated from the Latin, the term libido literally means desire, passion, and in the modern interpretation describes the desire for sexual relations.

Menopause is often causes decreased libido. Drugs in the form of tablets and drops to increase the hormone testosterone, as well as special herbs, can help increase libido. Frigidity is called the lack of desire for sexual relations, as well as the rapid extinction of sexual activity. Frigidity is rarely diagnosed, according to statistics, it is 0.5% of the population.

What is female libido


Libido in women is the desire for sexual intercourse. If the attraction for some reason fades away, then this does not mean that she has frigidity. With frigidity, the desire for intimacy disappears altogether, and its temporary extinction is a sign of a decrease in libido, which can be enhanced with the help of dietary supplements, massage, and medical tablets, which are freely available at the pharmacy.

There are several reasons for decreased libido in women and girls:

  • Complexes. Over the years, a woman feels insecure, because of the first wrinkles, obesity, health problems or other reasons. Considering herself unattractive for men, the woman refuses all contact with men, which leads to the extinction of sexual desire.
  • Relationship problems with a partner. A woman can enjoy intimacy when love and understanding reign in a relationship with a partner. A man should be a guarantor of the satisfaction of all the needs of a woman: not only sexual but also psychological фтв material. If there are problems in the relationship of partners, the sexual desire gradually fades away, the passion disappears and sex occurs less frequently.
  • Changes in the hormonal background. Before menstruation, the desire for intimacy increases sharply, but after the end of critical days, the desire wanes or disappears. Interest in intimacy disappears due to the limitations of practicing love during menstruation, and therefore the desire for intimacy is reduced, even if it involves the use of contraceptives.
  • Nerve strain. A woman is more susceptible to stressful situations, more emotionally related to things, so if she is morally exhausted, she can give preference to full and quiet sleep instead of sex. Some women, on the contrary, can relax and distract from feelings through intimacy with a loving partner.

Equally important in reducing sexual activity in women is the reduction in the production of a special desire hormone – testosterone. Testosterone is a kind of energy for the body, it gives youth, energy, good mood, participates in the development of many organs, in particular, the mammary glands in women. It also controls body weight, the production of fat mass, improves body tone, and finally, is responsible for increasing or decreasing libido in women.

How to increase libido in women: drugs and folk remedies


Not everyone knows how to increase libido in women who have stopped feeling sex attraction. But there are different methods. For example, drugs to enhance sexual desire in women.

They act in the same way as drugs for men. The most popular are female Viagra and Loveron, both are available in the form of tablets, as well as female Cialis.

Viagra for women accelerates blood circulation, thanks to it blood quickly flows into the genitals, causing an excited state. Female Viagra differs from male. It enhances the production of secretory glands in the female genital organs.

Some of them can affect libido. The drugs with antiandrogenic effects affect the libido the least. These are progestin-containing drug formulations such as chlormadinone, drospirenone, and dienogest. They differ in the manufacturers and the amount of estrogen in the composition. The main active ingredient is progestin – chlormadinone. It never affects the production of testosterone in the blood and contributes to the antiandrogenic effect.

When there is a need for treatment, it is not necessary to resort to a medical method for solving the problem, since the advice of experienced doctor will help increase the libido in women.

Folk methods of increasing sexual activity:

  • Phytotherapy. Treatment occurs by taking medicinal herbal preparations.
  • Apitherapy. Therapy is carried out with the use of apicultural products such as honey, propolis, pollen or wax. Honey is a universal treatment for many diseases, it contains vitamins, amino acids, and fatty acids. It is able to stimulate the emergence of sexual desire in women.
  • Hirudotherapy. The treatment is performed using special medical leeches. With this kind of treatment, leeches are applied to certain places of the inguinal region, and the libido with this type of therapy is restored in a short period of time. A doctor must have a license for this type of treatment, as well as an appropriate level of qualification.

Medicinal plants are able to maintain health as well as increase libido. Natural remedies for treatment are always good, you can pick up those that can return the joy of intimate relationships.

When choosing drugs, it is necessary to take into account the possible negative effects of their admission. Herbal medicine is able to replace many medicines, basically, there are no contraindications to it.

Tribulus can cause an increase in the production of the hormone estrogen, which can increase libido.

Golden root is used in the form of alcohol tincture. To awaken the desire you need to take 2 tablespoons of tincture. High blood pressure is a contraindication, otherwise, the medicine is safe.

Sage increases sensitivity to touch, caress, and also pleasantly relaxes a woman. It is a plant aphrodisiac. In the dry and crushed form can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Ginseng is the most famous natural aphrodisiac. It is able to increase sexual desire. Drugs that increase sensitivity during intimacy have been developed on its basis.

Medicines for increasing sexual desire contain natural plant components such as rosemary, ginseng, ginger. There are also products that contribute to the enhancement of sexual feelings, for example, citrus fruits. They contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition to citrus fruits, such products include nuts, broccoli, cereals. All of them have vitamin B. It is able to relieve nervous tension, relax and calm.

When these products are consumed, blood flow to the genitals and mammary glands is increased, the excitation process is activated, sensitivity is increased. Tea has a simple recipe. Drinking tea as a natural aphrodisiac is able to liberate a woman, increase the desire for sex, and also increase the response to touch and intimate caress. Lemon and parsley are necessary for the preparation of vitamin tea; honey can be added to enhance its medicinal properties.

To prepare leaf tea, a collection of currant leaves, blueberries, chestnut flowers in equal proportions is prepared. The result is fragrant tea with a known effect. Ginger tea is popular, as an aphrodisiac, it has been used for a long time. He makes sex bright, sensual and unforgettable. Regular consumption of ginger tea helps to prevent the loss of sexual feelings. Sage tea can cause accelerated growth of estrogen, so you should not abuse it, an overabundance may adversely affect the nervous system.

If desired, honey can be added to teas, various jams. With their help, the drink will turn out not only healing but also sweet. To increase sexual activity, there are other products. This is fish caviar, oysters. Chocolate is not only a hormone of joy but also an excellent way to increase sexual appetite. The necessary activating substances are found in various tropical fruits such as bananas, coconuts, and avocados. It will be useful to add cedar nuts and sesame seeds to food, as well as ginger.

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